What is the Gospel?

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What is the Gospel?

The word "gospel" simply means good news. What is fascinating is that there is actually a lot of confusion among people who have grown up attending church, heard about Jesus, or are even regular church-goers about what the content of this good news really is.

Join us as we explore what Jesus had to say about the content of His Gospel message. This transformative message is for the whole world.

The Good News

Exploring the Core of Christianity: What Is the Gospel?

When we strip everything back, what remains at the heart of Christian faith? What is that central tenet that defines what Christians believe? This question is vital, not only for those exploring Christianity but also for believers tasked with sharing the transformative message of Jesus Christ.


In this video series, we aim to dissect and understand the big questions and objections people have about Christianity, focusing on the foundational beliefs that underpin our faith. Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the gospel's true essence.

My Journey Toward Gospel Clarity

Growing up, I was presented with a version of the gospel that seemed somewhat disconnected from the New Testament teachings. This realization hit me particularly when I read Mark 1:14-15. "Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”

This passage sparked a deep-seated curiosity and confusion in me because the gospel I knew centered heavily on Jesus's death and resurrection for our sins, yet here was Jesus, preaching the gospel before any of these events had occurred.

The Initial Gospel Message

In the Gospel of Mark, we see Jesus announcing the fulfillment of time and the approach of God's kingdom, calling people to repentance and faith in the gospel. This early proclamation by Jesus, devoid of any reference to His crucifixion, led me to question the gospel narrative I had been taught. How could the gospel be solely about Jesus’s death and resurrection when He preached the gospel prior to these events?

Reevaluating the Gospel’s Core

As a young man, if asked about the gospel, I would have said it's the good news that Jesus died for our sins and that believing in Him grants us eternal life. However, reflecting on Jesus's teachings in Mark, it became clear that the gospel He preached was not limited to His death and resurrection. This revelation forced me to rethink the gospel's core, recognizing it as a message encompassing more than just the accomplishment of forgiveness of sins.

The Kingdom of God: Central to the Gospel

Delving into the New Testament, particularly Acts, it’s evident that the kingdom of God was central to the apostolic preaching. This kingdom-centric message, consistent with Jesus’s post-resurrection teachings, illustrates that the gospel is fundamentally about God’s reign and sovereignty being established through Christ.

The Gospel in Historical and Cultural Context

The term "gospel" or euangelion in Greek, often used in a political context in the first century, referred to good news concerning a king or kingdom. This understanding of the gospel as a royal announcement provides a richer perspective on the Christian message, portraying it as the declaration of Jesus’s kingship and the advent of God's kingdom.

Old Testament Promises and the Gospel

The Old Testament prophecies, particularly those related to a Davidic kingdom, set the stage for Jesus’s messianic role. These scriptures pointed to a future king from David’s line who would establish an everlasting kingdom. Jesus, as the fulfillment of these prophecies, represents the culmination of God’s redemptive history, bringing the promised kingdom to fruition.

Jesus as the Messiah and King

Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah underscores the gospel’s theme of fulfilled prophecy and divine kingship. Recognizing Jesus as the promised king from David’s lineage ties the Old and New Testament narratives together, presenting the gospel as the story of God’s kingdom being realized through Jesus.

The Comprehensive Nature of the Gospel

The gospel, as the story of Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, reveals the establishment of God’s kingdom and the restoration of creation. This broader narrative emphasizes the gospel as not only about individual salvation but about the cosmic reign of Christ and the transformation of all things.

Reflecting on the Gospel through Personal Experience

When I was in high school, I worked through the painstaking process of restoring a broken guitar. Reflecting on that experience, I see a parallel with the gospel's restorative power. This act of renewal mirrors the redemptive work of Jesus, who came to repair the brokenness of the world and our lives, offering a tangible illustration of the gospel’s transformative impact.

Extending the Gospel Invitation

I want to extend to you the invitation of the gospel. This call is not merely about embracing a belief system but about entering into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus, the King, who invites us to be part of God's redemptive narrative. It’s an invitation to turn around, to come home, and to find our purpose in the unfolding story of God’s kingdom.