Church & Potluck at the Park Join us at Evans Park This Sunday at 10 AM Bring a Dish to Share

Flood Updates

Updates on our driveway

Halfway There!

We sincerely thank everyone, and the various organizations, who have so generously given to this project. So far we have received $41,000! I am blown away by everyone's generosity.

The final bill for phase 1 came in at $83,000. This means we have been able to pay for half of this project, without dipping into our savings funds.

Thank you!

Grand Reopening Celebration: Sunday, August 20th

The Restoration work on our driveway was completed on Friday, August 18th. We had a wonderful church family celebration on Sunday, August 20th. The day began with a worship service at 10 AM, followed by a free lunch, bounce houses, and exciting activities for everyone. It was a special time to rejoice in the restored access to our building and express our gratitude to those who have supported us throughout this journey.

Flood & Driveway Updates

What happened?

During the storm on Thursday, June 22nd, flash flooding caused the creek that runs through our property to drastically overflow its normal route and create a new river pathway....right through our driveway. About 50 feet of driveway was catastrophically destroyed. Our bridge is still standing, but the creek is no longer running through it. A power line was also swept away.

What's next?

Our Phase 1 Plan is to restore our driveway access with metal culverts and fill dirt. This will restore access to our church property from County Road 13. After that, we will begin work to clean up debris from the flood and reclaim land that was washed away.

Week 2 Updates

  • CORE electric has installed a new pole and restored power to our building.
  • Our neighbors to the East have granted us emergency access through their field. They want us to use this access as minimally as possible (so no church services on site). But our staff can now access and use the building and get supplies when needed.
  • Elbert County has indicated that they will expedite the review and approval process for our plans. We are currently getting bids from various individuals/companies for the work to install culverts and bring in fill to restore our driveway.
  • We are tentatively planning to have volunteers help us with debris removal and clean-up along the route of the old creek path. We are exploring what this could look like and how to go about it safely.

Week 3 Updates

  • We've received a couple of bids for Phase 1 (Restoring the Driveway). So far, they are coming in around $60,000 for the work to install culverts, rip-rap, and dirt work to restore the driveway.
  • Our Senior Advisory Board is waiting on one final quote before selecting a company and moving forward.
  • A couple of volunteers from our church looked at the debris situation and suggested we wait to do debris clean-up until the driveway has been restored. This will allow us to complete this work more safely.
  • It has been so helpful for staff to be able to use the building when needed. We're grateful for our neighbor's generosity in allowing us to drive through their field.
  • We will be holding church services at Evans Park for the time being. If weather is bad, we will livestream only.

Week 4 Updates

  • The Creekside Senior Advisory Board has approved a contract to restore access to our building.
  • Engineering design should be completed by the July 28th and work will begin the following week.

The Board looked numerous factors including project cost, available funds, time to completion, and project durability.

Time to completion was important for a couple reasons.

  • First, we would like to get our family home before the weather turns bad.
  • Second, because our home school groups need a home by the end of August. The school district pays us a significant amount of maintenance fees each year to host these groups. Loss of these funds would put a crimp in our budget at a time when we need additional funds to repair damage to our property.

How can you help?

  1. First, pray. Pray for wisdom for our leadership, favor from our County (and quick approval of plans), and for provision of resources, and funds for the work.
  2. Second, help. Once access to our church building has been restored, we plan to organize some volunteer service opportunities to clean up debris and the property that was damaged.
  3. Third, give: Would you consider giving a gift over and above your normal tithes and offerings? This is an unprecedented time and need for us, and every dollar helps. We truly appreciate your generosity and support.