Written in Stone (Outlawed 1)
The Heart of the Law
"The law was never intended as a way to earn salvation. It was a guide for how the saved were to live." - Pastor Luke
1 Minute Excerpt
Key Verse
Q. & A.
1. Why are there so many seemingly strange and confusing laws in the Old Testament?
The Old Testament laws, while sometimes appearing strange from a modern perspective, were given by God to the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt. They served as a guide for how a redeemed people, set apart by God, should live. It’s essential to understand that these laws were never intended as a means to earn salvation but rather a guide for living a life pleasing to God after receiving His salvation. They provided a structure for their society and helped them understand how to live in relationship with God and each other.
2. Are all the Old Testament laws still applicable today?
No, not all Old Testament laws are directly applicable to us today. The laws were given to a specific people (the Israelites) in a specific time and context (ancient Near East). Some laws were tied to the ceremonial practices of their theocracy, while others reflected the cultural norms of that era. Next week, we will delve into how to discern which laws still apply and how to apply them to our lives today.
3. What is the underlying principle behind all the Old Testament laws?
The heart of the Old Testament law can be found in the Ten Commandments, which Jesus summarized as loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loving your neighbor as yourself. Every other law in the Old Testament is either an extension, application, or reiteration of one of these two core principles.
4. How can I understand a confusing Old Testament law?
When you encounter a law that seems strange or confusing, ask yourself this question: "How would this law have been an expression of love for God or love for neighbor in the context of ancient Israel?" This approach can help you understand the original intent and purpose of the law.
5. Does following the law save us?
No, the law was never intended to be a means of salvation. God's grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, is the only way to salvation. The law serves as a guide for how we should live after we have received God's grace.
6. Didn't Jesus say that He came to fulfill the law? Does that mean we don't have to follow it anymore?
Yes, Jesus did say He came to fulfill the law. However, fulfilling the law does not mean abolishing it. Jesus perfectly obeyed the law on our behalf, taking the penalty for our disobedience. His fulfillment of the law doesn't free us from the obligation to love God and love our neighbor. In fact, He gave us a new, even higher standard of love.
7. What is the connection between love and the law?
Love is the foundation and motivation behind the law. The law provides practical instructions for how love should be lived out in our daily lives. If we truly love God and our neighbor, we will desire to obey His commands, not out of obligation but out of a heartfelt desire to please Him and care for others.
8. Where can I learn more about applying the Old Testament law to my life today?
Next week's message will address this very question. We will explore how to discern which laws still apply and how to translate the principles behind them into relevant applications for our modern context. Join us as we continue to unpack the wisdom and relevance of the Old Testament law.
Group Discussion Guide
Get-to-know-you Question: Share your name with the group and the answer to the question: What’s the strangest or most unique rule you remember following as a kid, either at home or school?
Review: Last Sunday's message focused on understanding the purpose and relevance of the Old Testament laws for the ancient Israelites and how these principles of love for God and neighbor still hold true today. The sermon emphasized that the core of the law is to guide God's people, not to serve as a means for salvation. Instead, the law reflects how God desires His people to live in a loving relationship with Him and others.
Discuss: Have you ever been tripped up or confused when reading Old Testament laws?
Read: Have someone read Exodus 20:1-17 (The Ten Commandments)
Discuss: If you were living in a society that prized obeying all of these, do you think that society would be better or worse than ours is today?
Discuss: If you read the Old Testament law with the assumption that the people needed these instructions (some of the people genuinely didn’t know better), what does this tell us about the the kind of world and culture they came from?
Application: The application from Sunday’s message was: whenever you encounter an Old Testament law to ask the question: How would this have been loving for an ancient Israelite? Did you read any Old Testament laws this week? If so, did you ask this question?
Pray: Share prayer requests and close in prayer.
Optional Additional Question: Do you think obeying Jesus’s twofold law of love is harder or easier than obeying the Ten Commandments?