Fulfilled-Not Abolished (Outlawed 2)
If Jesus obeyed the Old Testament law, why don’t we?
Key Quotes from the Message
"Jesus came to fulfill the law. And that word fulfill, if you look it up in a dictionary, it means to bring the law to its fullest expression and to complete its intended purpose."
"The way that Jesus fulfills the moral law is by focusing on our hearts."
"Jesus Kingdom transcends national boundaries, and now his followers live as ambassadors and exiles in every nation in which they’re found."
Q. & A.
1. Why don't Christians have to follow all the Old Testament laws if Jesus obeyed them?
Christians believe that Jesus came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. "Fulfill" means to bring the law to its fullest expression and complete its intended purpose. This means that some laws no longer apply in the same way because Jesus fulfilled them. For example, the sacrificial system is fulfilled in Christ's ultimate sacrifice.
2. How does Jesus fulfill the different types of Old Testament laws?
The Old Testament law can be broadly categorized into three types:
Moral Law: Laws about right and wrong, such as the Ten Commandments. Jesus fulfills these by focusing on our hearts, calling us to inner transformation rather than just external obedience. He intensifies the moral law, getting to the root of sin.
Civil Law: Laws governing the nation of Israel as a theocracy. These laws are not directly applicable to Christians today because we are not living under a theocracy. Jesus fulfills these by establishing a kingdom without borders, a spiritual kingdom that transcends national boundaries.
Ceremonial Law: Laws related to priests, sacrifices, and ritual purity. Jesus fulfills these by completing the temple system, offering himself as the perfect and final sacrifice for sin.
3. What should Christians do when they encounter an Old Testament law?
Instead of picking and choosing which laws to follow, Christians should ask: How does Jesus fulfill this law? Understanding the category of law (moral, civil, or ceremonial) and how Jesus fulfills it provides insight into its relevance for us today.
4. Are there any practical examples of how Jesus’ fulfillment of the law changes our understanding?
Yes, consider the example of the Sabbath. The Sabbath was a ceremonial law with specific sacrifices, a civil law governing the nation of Israel, and possibly a moral law about rest and relationship with God. Christians debate whether the Sabbath is still binding in the same way today. The question is not about convenience but about understanding the nature of the law and how Jesus fulfills it.
5. What is the heart issue when it comes to applying Old Testament law today?
The most important aspect is a willingness to submit to God's will. Would you be willing to change your life, even if it's inconvenient, if you discover that a certain Old Testament law still applies to you through Christ? This attitude of surrender and obedience is at the heart of following Jesus.
6. What is the significance of the red heifer ritual in the Old Testament?
The red heifer ritual, which involved the sacrifice of a specific cow to provide ashes for ritual cleansing, points to the provision for future sins. It foreshadows Jesus' sacrifice, which was offered once for all time to cover the sins of the whole world, both past and future.
7. How does the Lord's Supper connect to the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law?
The Lord's Supper, instituted by Jesus during the Passover meal, replaces the old sacrificial system. The bread and wine symbolize Jesus’ body and blood, offered as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. It's a celebration of his fulfillment of the ceremonial laws and a reminder of the forgiveness and new life we have in him.
8. What is the main takeaway from the idea of Jesus fulfilling the Old Testament Law?
Jesus fulfills the Old Testament law in various ways, bringing it to completion and revealing its deepest meaning. Christians are called to study the law through the lens of Christ’s fulfillment, seeking to understand its relevance for their lives and live in obedience to God's will.
Connection Group Conversation Guide
Get-to-Know-You Question: Have you ever watched the Chosen? What do you think of it? What is your favorite depiction of Jesus (in art, tv or film)?
Review: Last Sunday's message focused on how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament law, not by abolishing it but by bringing it to its fullest expression. By examining the moral, civil, and ceremonial laws, we see that Jesus intensifies their true meaning, invites us into a transnational kingdom, and completes the temple system through His ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.
Discuss: When it comes to Old Testament laws, do you know anyone who is either a “everything” applies or “nothing” applies type of Christian? From what you know, how do they justify their position?
Read: Have someone read Matthew 5:17-20.
Discuss: In what ways do you think Jesus’ fulfillment of the law challenges both "do all" and "do none" approaches to the Old Testament laws?
Discuss: Out of the three categories of Old Testament law that Luke discussed (Moral, civil, ceremonial), which is the least familiar to you?
Discuss: Did you read any Old Testament laws this last week? If so, were you able to identify which category of law you were reading?
Discuss: How is your heart attitude when it comes to applying Old Testament laws: For example, if after diligent study of Scripture you came to the conclusion that you needed to begin eating kosher, would you be willing to change your life based on your understanding of Scripture? [Note: this is not to enter a debate about the ongoing validity of these laws; it is a heart check on our willingness to submit to God’s Word]
Pray: Share prayer requests and close in prayer.