And He Shall be Called...Emmanuel

December 7, 2024

What do you do when you’re in over your head and it feels like no one is coming to help?

Q. & A.

1. What is the meaning of "Emmanuel"?

"Emmanuel" is a Hebrew word that translates to "God with us." It signifies the presence of God among His people.

2. What is the significance of the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 2?

Zechariah's prophecy foretells the end of exile for God's people and their return to their land. More importantly, it emphasizes God's promise to dwell among them, signifying not just a physical return but a restoration of His presence.

3. How is the prophecy in Zechariah fulfilled?

The prophecy of God's presence is ultimately fulfilled through the arrival of Jesus. Matthew's Gospel explicitly connects Jesus' birth to the prophecy in Isaiah, which echoes the themes of Zechariah, confirming that Jesus is the embodiment of "Emmanuel."

4. If the world's problems are rooted in God's distance, how does Jesus' coming provide a solution?

The world's problems, including brokenness, sin, and suffering, stem from a separation from God. Jesus, as "Emmanuel," bridges this gap by bringing God's presence directly into the world. His presence offers healing, forgiveness, and restoration.

5. What are some practical ways we can respond to the truth of "Emmanuel" during Christmas?

Rejoice: Express gratitude and joy for God's presence, celebrating His coming into the world.
Leave: Identify and turn away from anything that separates us from God, such as sin or unhealthy habits.
Reflect: Spend time in silence and awe, contemplating the magnitude of God's love and His presence in our lives.

6. What does the concept of "Emmanuel" mean for our personal lives?

It means that we can experience God's presence in a real and tangible way. He is not distant or absent, but actively involved in our lives, offering comfort, guidance, and strength.

7. How does the idea of God's presence not being fully realized relate to Advent?

Advent is a time of anticipation and waiting. We recognize that while Jesus has come, we still await His full return and the ultimate realization of His Kingdom. "Emmanuel" is both a present reality and a future hope.

8. How can we cultivate a sense of God's presence in our daily lives?

We can cultivate God's presence through prayer, Scripture reading, worship, and acts of service. By intentionally seeking Him, we can experience His closeness and guidance.

Message Listening Guide

The Promise of God’s Presence (Zechariah 2:6-13)
500 years before the birth of Jesus, God’s people were in exile, longing for rescue.
Through Zechariah, God gave them a message of hope: return from exile and experience restoration in His presence.
The ultimate hope was not merely a physical return to the Land but the restoration of the rift caused by rebellion—the return of God’s presence among His people.

The Fulfillment of God’s Presence (Matthew 1:18-25)
500 years after Zechariah’s prophecy, the people had returned to the Land but were still waiting for God’s presence.
Jesus’s birth fulfilled the promise of Emmanuel—God with us.
Just as God called the exiles out of Babylon to Himself, Jesus invites us to leave behind our exile—our sin and separation—and come into His presence.

The Point: If the problem is God’s distance, the solution is His presence.

Rejoice in God’s Presence (Zechariah 2:10): Celebrate that God has come near! His presence brings hope, joy, and restoration.
Leave Exile and Join God’s People (Zechariah 2:7): Step out of what separates you from God—sin, fear, or misplaced priorities—and live fully in His presence as part of His redeemed community.
Reflect in Awe and Silence (Zechariah 2:13): Be still and worship. Let the wonder of Emmanuel—God moving into our world—fill your heart with reverence and peace.

Connection Group Conversation Guide

Get-to-Know-You Question: Share your name with the group and answer: Have you ever been on a road trip or adventure where something unexpected happened? How did you handle it?

Review: Last Sunday's message focused on the idea of Emmanuel—God With Us. The message unpacked the significance of Jesus's presence as the solution to humanity’s separation from God, illustrated through prophetic promises in Isaiah and Zechariah and fulfilled in the birth of Christ. The message emphasized the hope and restoration brought by Emmanuel in the midst of life’s messes.

Discuss: Have you ever felt the tangible presence of God in a situation where you felt stuck or overwhelmed? What was that like?  

Read: Have someone read Matthew 1:18-25.  Discuss: Imagine you were one of Joseph or Mary’s close friends when they told you about the angel’s message. How do you think you would have reacted to the prophecy of Emmanuel?  

Discuss: God doesn’t avoid our messes; He steps into them. How does this challenge the way you tend to think about how God works in difficult or broken situations?  

Discuss: The Israelites waited hundreds of years for the promise of the Messiah to be fulfilled. What does their waiting teach us about trusting God’s timing in our own lives?  

Discuss: Zechariah encourages the people to rejoice in God’s presence. How can you intentionally pause and celebrate God’s presence in your life this Advent season? Did you take some time to do that this last week? If so, how did it go?

Pray: Share prayer requests and close in prayer, thanking God for His presence and asking for trust in His timing and joy in His presence during this Advent season.