Church & Potluck at the Park Join us at Evans Park This Sunday at 10 AM Bring a Dish to Share


Mondays at 7:00 pm

You have questions

Questions about life, faith, and meaning. But oftentimes life is so busy that you never stop and give those questions the time and space you know they deserve. Sometimes the questions are so big, you don’t know even where to start. If this sounds familiar, then Alpha is for you.

Alpha is a place to connect with other people who are open to exploring life, faith, and meaning. At Alpha, we are not afraid of asking hard questions and having honest conversations. We welcome it.

Each meeting includes a time to connect with others (over free refreshments), listen to a short presentation focused on a central element of the Christian faith, and then offer a chance for each person to share their own questions and perspective with the group.

Alpha happens twice a year, and meets on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm at Isabel’s coffee shop. Register here to get signed up.

Alpha Promo