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Can we trust the New Testament accounts about Jesus?

Many throughout history have pondered the question: Who is Jesus? In this teaching--from the Alpha program--we aim to delve deeper into his identity and the impact he has had on the world. From various sources, both Christian and non-Christian, we find accounts that attest to his existence as a real person who lived in first-century Palestine. But Jesus is more than just a historical figure. He claimed to be the Son of God, the long-awaited Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament. This claim has sparked centuries of controversy and debate. Was he truly divine, or was he merely a wise teacher or a moral leader?

Note: Alpha is a program designed for people who are searching for answers to life's biggest questions. Instead of making our own teaching video on this important subject, we are directing you here to one of their excellent video resources.

Alpha Teaching Video: Who is Jesus?